I had such good intentions when I blogged about Word Play last week. This week I didn't have any major plans, so I thought, hey, good plan, I'll read a couple of books this week...and have plenty to blog about. But Sunday night Steve Carell's hilarious facial expressions seduced me into watching Get Smart (I seriously almost fell off the couch during the tiny-harpoons-in-the-airplane-bathroom scene). Then Monday night the #@!*#@! MICE were back, so I spent my evening frantically cloroxing everything in my kitchen while swearing under my breath (sorry mom). Tuesday we continued the Alias marathon (although I don't know how much longer Noel is going to last) and then we watched the season premiere of The Biggest Loser. That's kind of the one that worries me actually. Since when am I the person that watches ridiculous voyeuristic reality tv shows instead of reading??
Then last night I got sidetracked with Wii games and blog-reading, and so, almost a week later, I still haven't managed to finish a book.
I am listening to His Excellency: George Washington by Joseph Ellis at work, and it's pretty good. It's not life-altering or anything, but it's a pretty solid biography. I started Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery in a fit of nostalgia on Sunday night, but then haven't picked it up again. Last night I started A Beautiful Blue Death (pictured above) which I bought because the cover was so appealing. And now I suddenly think I might want to start Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks because I liked People of the Book so much.
So here's my plan. I'm going to stop blogging....and start reading. Je lirai! Maintenant!
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