Thursday, March 26, 2009


I've been feeling rather unmotivated about blogging you've probably noticed. At some point in the last couple of months it turned from "ooh, fun, I should blog about that" to "it's already been a week since I last blogged, gotta come up with something". I think it's perhaps because I've been in a bit of a culinary rut.

Not that I haven't been making good food...I's just a lot of it is food I've already talked about! Offering pictures of more veggie tacos or more lemon bars or another batch of those addicting crackers just seems redundant.

And I haven't read anything particularly inspiring lately...mostly because I have started watching way too much tv again! But I figure that tv will be over in another month or two, and I'll have all summer to catch up on reading....

So anyway, I apologize for the lack of interesting reading around here lately. I'm going to try to get myself out of this rut...I think I'm going to make biscuits this weekend, and hopefully sometime in the next week or two I'm going to attempt falafel, which I'm pretty excited about! So bear with me...and my overabundant use of ellipses...and hopefully I'll have some new and exciting recipes to try soon!

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