Sunday, October 12, 2008


The other day Amy rescued these tiny white bowls out of dreck, and now I can't quite decide what to do with them.

My first thought was condiments....some sort of meal where you need dipping sauces. Fondue? Tapas? A french fry smorgasbord?

They look quite cute holding grape tomatoes, and I'm sure olives or smallish artichoke hearts would look equally appealing, but the more I look at them, the more I think desserts....miniscule ones. Tiny ice cream sundaes? They'd be adorable, but unsatisfying I think. Itty-bitty shortcakes? Again, delicious, but insubstantial. Small puddings? Although only a gluttonous Borrower would be able to finish one, I think I'd want to eat three, which sort of defeats the whole purpose.

Then I thought about how at Montana Avenue they have those sugary, cinnamony, puffily ginormous doughnuts that come with a little pot of creamy sweet dipping sauce. Everytime I eat one I end up with sugar all over my chin and sauce all over my fingers, and a smile of contentment on my face.

So I think maybe I might have to have a doughnut party. I figure items needed: deep fryer (check), tiny dipping bowls (check), doughnuts (must find good recipe), dipping sauce (ditto), and people to eat the doughnuts (that's you guys!). Mmm....doughnuts!


Amy said...

Dipping doughnuts!!!
I am glad you like those bowls, it broke my heart to think of tossing them in the big drek box.
I saw online that they are lotus flowers. Now I find them double cute.

How Jess Reads said...

I've been thinking we ought to have a Scrabble night anyway. We could make it Scrabble and doughnut night...I figure I need something good to tempt you all out to the boonies!

Amy said...

Well, since Scrabble and your baked goods are Ben's 2 favorite things in the world, I think we can make it!